Sharon Durtka; A Rotarian of Note. 1937-2025 2025-02-16 09:00:00Z 0

Join Rotarians and friends on a visit to Japan!

Join Rotarians and friends on a visit to Japan!
Experience Japan’s unique culture and beauty while doing hands-on service projects on the island of Osakikamijima!  It's a flexible trip so it is perfect for your schedule.
The island is located in the idyllic Seto Inland Sea and is reachable only by ferry. It is beloved by locals across Hiroshima Prefecture but not swamped with tourists. You can stay in modest accommodations at a shared guest house ($50/night per person). Island experts Steve and Noko Yoshida will be staying at the guest house with us. Activities will vary according to the interests of the group.

Service projects may include: 
  • House restoration such as cleaning and making shoji screens under the guidance of a master craftsman,
  • Helping to restore the seabed by cultivating seaweed
  • Working on a citrus farm
  • Speaking English one-on-one with students who are learning the language
Other island excursions may include:
  • Touring local businesses
  • Eating at restaurants
  • Visiting local attractions
  • Hiking
  • Enjoying the hot springs (onsen)
Dates available between May 11 to 31, 2025. You choose the length of time you wish to stay. Four-day minimum stay is required. This is a low-cost service opportunity for volunteers, not a tour. 
Space is limited to 12 people at a time on a first-come basis. We encourage you to explore other parts of Japan either before or after the island visit, especially nearby Hiroshima. Download the attached fact sheet to share with your friends who may also be interested in the outstanding service opportunity.

For more details, contact Sue Craig at
Join Rotarians and friends on a visit to Japan! 2025-02-09 09:00:00Z 0

How We Can Help End Plastic Soup

How We Can Help End Plastic Soup
Barbara McChesney
Regional board member, End Plastic Soup
A Rotary-founded organization
Saturday, November 23, 2024 eClub Meeting
7:45 am Alaska time - Coffee/Social
   (8:45 am Pacific/9:45 Mountain/10:45 Central/11:45 Eastern)
8:00 am Alaska time – Meeting
   (9:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Mountain/11:00 am Central/12:00 n Eastern)
Please join us and invite your colleagues for this important discussion about the health of our local and world environments.
Meeting Log in
Join by Computer or Tablet
Join by Phone
USA: 1.646.558.8656
Canada: 1.647.558.0588
How We Can Help End Plastic Soup  2024-11-17 09:00:00Z 0 EndPlasticSoup,Rotary,Rotary eClub 5010,environment,microplastics

Understanding the World’s Unreported Conflicts

Understanding the World’s Unreported Conflicts
and the Immediate Need for Humanitarian Assistance & Localized Peacebuilding
Bina (Binalakshmi) Nepram 
Founder/Director of Manipur Women Gun Survivors Network and Global Alliance of Indigenous Peoples, Gender Justice and Peace
Saturday, October 12, 2024 eClub Meeting
7:45 am Alaska time - Coffee/Social
   (8:45 am Pacific/9:45 Mountain/10:45 Central/11:45 Eastern)
8:00 am Alaska time – Meeting
   (9:00 am Pacific/10:00 am Mountain/11:00 am Central/12:00 n Eastern)
Please join us and invite your colleagues for the discussion about this important peacebuilding topic and the work being conducted in the conflict region of Manipur.
Meeting Log in
Join by Computer or Tablet
Join by Phone
USA: 1.646.558.8656
Canada: 1.647.558.0588
Understanding the World’s Unreported Conflicts 2024-10-05 08:00:00Z 0

Dare to be Kind

Dare to be Kind
December 9, 2023 
Gabriella van Rij
The Kindness Expert
Author and Founder of The Kindness Movement
Join us and invite a guest to hear this nationally-recognized speaker and her motivating message on kindness.
What hinders us from showing kindness to others? Gabriella van Rij, the Kindness Expert and founder of the Dare to Be Kind movement, tackles this question and more in this powerful presentation to the eClub of District 5010 International on Saturday, December 9, 8:00 am Alaska time. 
Gabriella is a keynote speaker who inspires organizations to tap into the power of kindness. She has criss crossed the United States, meeting with corporations, Rotary clubs and other organizations to spread the message about the importance of treating others with kindness.
Join us for this extraordinary program on tapping into the power of kindness and invite a friend (or two!).
We look forward to seeing you there.
Rotary eClub District 5010 International
Saturday, December 9, 2023
7:45 am AKST:  Social/Coffee 
8:00 am AKST : Meeting
Log In Information
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Join via telephone
In Canada
Meeting ID
Click Read More to find out about Gabriella's extraordinary work.
Dare to be Kind  2023-12-04 09:00:00Z 0 #DaretoBeKind,#GabriellavanRij,#Rotary,#TheKindnessExpert,#eclubdistrict5010
e-club Holiday Social 2023 2023-11-20 09:00:00Z 0
Stay at Home for Rotary and help our club raise $$$! 2023-09-17 08:00:00Z 0
e-Club service projects 2023-4: Sharing our Stories Catherine Limbertie 2023-09-17 08:00:00Z 0

Taking Reading Outdoors

Taking Reading Outdoors in Talkeetna 

A project of Rotary eClub 5010 International in cooperation with the Friends of Talkeetna Library.

The Talkeetna Public Library/Community Resource Center, a non-profit organization, is located about 2 miles from downtown Talkeetna, and serves three Upper Susitna Valley communities (Chase, Talkeetna and Susitna North), a combined population of about 1500 residents. As in many small communities, the library serves as much more than a site to obtain and read books. It also serves as a hub of the regional community, hosting community and public meetings, educational classes for children and adults, as a social center for residents and much more. 


Taking Reading Outdoors 2023-09-08 08:00:00Z 0

How to Successfully Host a Meeting on ZOOM & Look Like an Expert

How to Successfully Host a Meeting on ZOOM & Look Like an Expert
Saturday, July 29
9:00 am AKDT
8:45 am: connection opens
(session is 1 hour)
We invite you to join us!  As members of Rotary, we could be called on to help at anytime with ZOOM. (Plus there are numerous ZOOM opportunities in other areas of our lives.) In today's digital world, meeting participants now expect ZOOM meetings to run smoothly, involve participants fully and to manage technical issues quickly. This session will provide steps on doing that more effectively. If you'd like to expand your knowledge and pick up some new tips, join us!  You’re invited to participate if you’re a Rotarian in another District 5010 club as hosting committee meetings and events on ZOOM happens frequently.
The topics we’ll cover are those that happen often in ZOOM meetings.  We’ll also discuss sticky situations you’ve run into when hosting a call. Click "Read More" to see details about topics to be discussed.
Let us know by Thursday if you’ll be participating please ( There is a short “pre-assignment” sent to you in advance that will help in Saturday’s session.
We look forward to seeing you on July 29.
How to Successfully Host a Meeting on ZOOM & Look Like an Expert  2023-07-24 08:00:00Z 0

Meet Rotary Governor Mike Pollen

Join Us. Meet Rotary Governor Mike Pollen.
Saturday, July 8
7:45 am AK time                     Coffee & Conversation
8:00 to 9:00 am AK time         Meeting
DG Mike will make his very first official club visit to the eClub!  He’ll bring us news and information from around the Rotary world and around our Rotary district, and tell us how we can get involved.  Mike has been a Rotarian since 1999 and has served in a wide range of leadership roles in his home club of Fairbanks, in District 5010 and for Rotary on a global basis, and has been a volunteer for Rotary projects around the world.  For more about Mike and his accomplishments, click the "Read More" button below.
Join on July 8, meet DG Mike and hear about the exciting work ahead in Rotary for 2023-24.
How to Connect
eClub Meeting
Saturday, July 8, 2023
8:00 to 9:00 am AKDT Meeting
7:45 to 8:00 am Coffee/Social
Get in touch:
Join via telephone
In US 
In Canada
Meeting ID
Meet Rotary Governor Mike Pollen 2023-07-06 08:00:00Z 0

Join us at the eClub Open House

Join us at the eClub Open House.
Invite Your Friends.
Saturday, November 9
8:00 to 9:15 am (AK time) Open House/Guest Day
7:45 am Coffee & Conversation
Find the time in your zone
Ever wonder how an eClub works?  Or perhaps you're thinking about how to “do Rotary” in a more flexible way? Maybe you have a friend who is interested in Rotary, but has an unpredictable schedule or travels often.
Here’s the opportunity to learn more. At the eClub Open House/Guest Day.
Solutions for engagement challenges.
The dynamic and growing eClub 5010 International provides solutions for many common engagement challenges.  In fact, it has been the answer for many eClub members who needed more flexibility to navigate schedule conflicts, moved out of state or have an extensive travel schedule and want the ability to connect virtually to their Rotary club from anywhere in the world.
The eClub 5010 operates much like other Rotary clubs: local and international projects, social activities, friendships and fun, and all the wonderful Rotary attributes we already know. It has an international membership with Rotarians representing 6 countries.  Meetings are held twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 8:00 am Alaska time, a time which avoids conflicts with most other activities.  
Plan now to join us on November 9.  Bring your favorite beverage.
We welcome you, your members and your friends to see what an eClub is all about. Share this information with your colleagues and connect them with us. We’d love to see you on the 10th. As we represent time zones throughout the world, bring whatever beverage is right for your location.
How to Connect 
eClub Open House/Guest Day
Saturday, November 9, 2023
8:00 to 9:10 am (AK time) Meeting
7:45 to 8:00 am Coffee/Social
Get in touch:
Join via telephone
In US 
In Canada
Meeting ID
Join us at the eClub Open House 2023-06-03 08:00:00Z 0 #Rotary,#Rotary5010,#eclubdistrict5010

What’s Good about Trolls?

What’s Good about Trolls?

May 27, 2023
Rick Kullberg, Speaker

Trolls?  Not the trolls on the internet.  Those who live in the woods and under bridges.  Join us at the eClub meeting on Saturday, May 27, and find out why as Rick Kullberg, PhD, tells us about the world of Norse mythology and relates stories about trolls.  

Rick is an author, a scientist and an outdoor enthusiast from Anchorage, active in climbing mountains, orienteering and cross country ski competitions.  He is Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at the University of Alaska Anchorage and has spent the last ten years doing something he never anticipated: writing books about trolls and learning about the challenges of illustrating his books.  He says his first book, Troll Tales, took him by surprise.  Before this, he had never imagined writing a book. As a scientist, he had also never imagined a muse either until one came into his life and inspired him to write the book.  
He is the author of a trilogy of books about trolls: “Troll Tale,” “Winter of the Wolf,” and “Raffa” and also “Grampa Troll Knows Best,” a book for young readers.  Join us for a fascinating speaker as he tells us the story of his journey and how it led him into the world of Norse mythology and trolls.
The meeting promises to be fun and entertaining. Friends and family members are welcome!
What’s Good about Trolls? 2023-05-21 08:00:00Z 0

Jan Salisbury, MS, MCC: Author & Executive Coach

Jan Salisbury, Author and Executive Coach
"Thriving with a Growth Mindset"
March 25 Meeting Speaker
Our mindsets change everything. In this presentation, Thriving with a Growth Mindset, you’ll find out how.  Jan Salisbury, MS MCC, author and executive coach, will discuss the way our beliefs about abilities and skills – ours, our families and our work teams --- affect how we thrive and work with others. You’ll find out ways to identify fixed and growth mindsets and why it makes a difference in our lives.
Jan Salisbury, MS, MCC: Author & Executive Coach  2023-03-20 08:00:00Z 0

Mobile Network in a Box - Jamaica Project

Mobile Network in a Box
Hazard Primary School and Special Education Unit
Clarendon, Jamaica
This eClub project provided a turnkey computer lab in a box to support computer literacy and educational development for students in Hazard Primary School and Special Education Unit This rural school, serving about 700 students between 6 and 12 years of age from several communities, is in Clarendon, Jamaica, where computer equipment and reliable power is not readily available.  
Computer literacy and internet access are fundamental to improving education and world awareness and can be transformative for individuals and society.  However, the lack of reliable electrical power remains an impediment to effectively using educational technology in remote areas of many countries. 
Mobile Network in a Box - Jamaica Project  2023-02-19 09:00:00Z 0

Capacity Building in Rural Alaska Communities

Capacity Building in Rural Alaska Communities
Dr. Don Albrecht, Speaker
Saturday, February 11
Join us!
Targeted, sustainable economic development initiatives have been an area of Dr. Don Albrecht's work during the past few years, collaborating with the small rural communities of Nenana, Minto and McGrath.  This process identifies community goals and priorities for development; community assets that can be deployed to meet those goals; industry factors important for locating operations in a community; and businesses consistent with the community’s priorities. Don, an eClub member, will be describing the work with these communities during the presentation.
Capacity Building in Rural Alaska Communities 2023-02-03 09:00:00Z 0

Scientist involved in groundbreaking nuclear fusion discovery speaks at January 28 meeting

Scientist involved in groundbreaking nuclear fusion discovery speaks at January 28 meeting
Scientists studying fusion energy at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California announced in December that they had crossed a long-awaited milestone in reproducing the power of the sun in a laboratory. The result is the first fusion reaction in a laboratory setting that produced more energy than it took to start the reaction.

Dr. Denise Hinkel, the director of the team working on the fusion project, will be the speaker at the 5010 eClub International meeting on Saturday, Jan 28.  Join us for this extraordinary program and rare opportunity to hear first-hand about this discovery.  Invite a friend (or two!).  We look forward to seeing you online.
Dr. Denise Henkel, Lawrence Livermore Lab
Scientist involved in groundbreaking nuclear fusion discovery speaks at January 28 meeting  2023-01-25 09:00:00Z 0

Rotarians at the Food Bank

Rotarians Helping with Hunger
Rotarians Lynne and Lois sorted cans and packaged goods at the Food Bank in Whitehorse during the fall food drive.  
Up to 1900 people across Yukon receive food each month from this Food Bank.
Thank you, Lynne and Lois, for your generous commitment of time to help alleviate hunger in Yukon.
Rotarians at the Food Bank 2022-11-07 09:00:00Z 0

How to Contribute to Service Projects

Making Contributions to Support Service Projects
Would you like to make a contribution to help support Club service projects? There are two ways to make a donation:
If you are in the US
Mail a check to Gayle for processing via the bank and avoid the credit card fee (the entire amount will be donated directly to the project!)
Make the check payable to eClub District 5010 and add a note about the project you wish to support on the comments line.
Gayle Knepper
1116 S Vista Ave #233
Boise, ID 83705
If you are outside the US or unable to mail a check
Make your contribution online via the club’s website using the “Donate Now” button or use this direct link.
Please add a note in the comments section about the project you are supporting.
 We also encourage you to talk about the projects with friends and work colleagues. Invite them to support the meaningful projects of our club which benefit those in need in our local communities and around the world.
How to Contribute to Service Projects 2022-10-01 08:00:00Z 0

Rotary Book Boxes in Sweden

Rotary Book Boxes in Sweden

This project was envisioned by Stefan as he was walking in Anchorage. (This project is often known in the US as "Little Free Libraries.")  Seeing the book boxes ("mini-libraries"), he thought it was a good idea for his home community in Sweden.  He contacted the local Rotary club in his hometown of Nordmaling. Members also liked the idea and thought about providing the book boxes to camp grounds.
Rotary Book Boxes in Sweden 2022-09-23 08:00:00Z 0
Member spotlight: Floyd Shilanski Catherine Limbertie 2022-01-13 09:00:00Z 0


Gift of Light International

Gift of Life International
Speaker: Rob Raylman, CEO
Saturday, November 20, 2021

Join us for this inspiring and motivational presentation.
8:00 am AKST: Meeting
7:45 am: Coffee & Conversation
We invite you to log on 15 minutes early (7:45 am AKST) for coffee and conversation time with eClub colleagues and guests.
Gift of Life International provides hope to children with heart disease. The program is focused on the development of sustainable pediatric cardiac centers of excellence and empowers doctors and nurses to treat children in their own countries.  It transforms the lives of children and their families by coordinating 84 Gift of Life programs in 80 countries with like-minded partner charities, hospitals, healthcare professionals, Rotarians and other volunteers to develop sustainable pediatric cardiac surgery, catheterization and aftercare programs in developing countries. This includes active and developing centers in Uganda, El Salvador, Romania, Jamaica, the Philippines and Bolivia, and continuing to support to children in Eastern Africa, Central and South America, the Caribbean and Eastern Europe. 
Numerous Rotary clubs and Rotarians in our Rotary Zone work closely with Gift of Life in providing project and volunteer support.
Please join us on Saturday, November 20, for this inspiring and motivational presentation, hear stories about the children and learn more about opportunities to get involved.  Bring a friend!
About Rob Raylman
Rob is the CEO of Gift of Life and an internationally recognized Rotary speaker. He relays emotional and heartfelt stories of children and how the committed teams of volunteers help to change their lives. 

After graduating from Hobart College, Rob went to work for US Senator Alphonse D’Amato, followed by serving as vice president of Browning Ferris Industries, one of the largest waste management companies in the world. He subsequently started his own consulting organization, specializing in legislative and regulatory affairs, where he worked with individuals and corporations doing business in New York State, before he joined Gift of Life as CEO in 2008.  Rob is a Rotarian who lives in Germantown, New York.
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Join via telephone
In US 
In Canada
International dial-in numbers:
Meeting ID
Gift of Light International 2021-11-12 09:00:00Z 0
Peanut Butter Challenge! 2021-08-14 08:00:00Z 0

April 10, 2021 Meeting Speaker: Dr. Sandy Burkart

Meet The Speaker: Dr. Sandy Burkart
April 10, 2021 Meeting
Topic: Serendipity and Throwing Spaghetti Against the Wall
Dr. Sandy Burkart is an Orthopaedic Certified Specialist and has been a member of Rotary International since 1990. He is also a retired professor from West Virginia University and Chairman of Physical Therapy. He currently runs his own private practice with the Palm Beach Institute of Sports Medicine and teaches with the Functional Rehabilitation Associates.
Dr. Burkart will be exploring the journey of Sarah Culbertson, author of "A Princess Found: An American Family, an African Chiefdom, and the Daughter Who Connected Them All". Born in West Virginia and adopted by parents who were members of Rotary, she learned that her biological father was a Chief in Africa and she was in fact, a Princess. After traveling to Sierra Leone to meet her biological father, Ms. Culbertson established the The Sierra Leone Foundation alongside her adopted parents to serve communities in the African nation.
In addition to this presentation, Dr. Burkart is a recognized national and international speaker. He has delivered more than 400 workshops, presentations and teleconferences around the world. Topics include orthopedic and neurologic rehabilitation, functional training and rehabilitation, manual therapy and more.
He has also been actively involved in Rotary Youth Exchanges and participated in numerous Rotary International Service projects, including a water project in Guatemala, the purchase of pediatric surgery instruments for St Anne's Hospital in Zimbabwe and the building of a school in Swaziland.
Welcome Dr. Sandy Burkart!
April 10, 2021 Meeting Speaker: Dr. Sandy Burkart 2021-04-09 08:00:00Z 0

 Welcome Abbie!

 Welcome Abbie!Abbie Stevenson

A warm eClub welcome to Abbie Stevenson, our newest member.  
After a world of experiences from growing up in New York to living in Botswana while working with the Peace Corps, Abbie now calls Ketchikan (Alaska) home.
Her professional background includes financial services, working as an analyst for Credit Suisse, to an on-air producer for CNBC’s "Mad Money with Jim Cramer". In the Peace Corps, she worked with the Botswana government in carrying out its HIV/AIDS response program, which included responsibilities from teaching and communications to producing the Peace Corps Botswana newsletter and social media channels. Abbie has a passion for storytelling, social media and conquering the latest digital platforms, she reports, and has just started a new position as Media & Communications Manager at KPUtv with the City of Ketchikan. 
She is a hands-on volunteer, including with Habitat for Humanity and the ASPCA, enjoys walking dogs of any size or ownership, and is often seen in this pursuit around Ketchikan. Abbie is also a meditation instructor.
Welcome to Alaska and to Rotary, Abbie!
 Welcome Abbie! 2020-11-05 09:00:00Z 0 Abbie Stevenson,Alaska,Peace Corps,Rotary,eClub District 5010
Flying the Flag in Homer Sharon Durtka 2020-07-22 08:00:00Z 0
Rotary supports young leaders: World Affairs Seminar a Zooming success Sharon Durtka 2020-07-22 08:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting Fundraiser

Virtual Wine Tasting
Saturday, July 25th, 2020 
12:00 n Alaska time
Virtual Attendance, Real Wine!
We invite you to join us for a "Virtual Wine Tasting” (with real wine!), a fundraiser co-hosted by the eClub and Schlossadler International Wines. This event will feature both a winemaker and wines from Italy. The winemaker will give us an insight into the wines being tasted. This event is a fundraiser for the eClub grant project benefiting Kid's Kupboard in the Mat Su Valley.
Wine Tasting Fundraiser 2020-07-18 08:00:00Z 0
All dressed up and no place to go? UPDATE $1902 raised! Thank you Rotarians! Catherine Limbertie 2020-04-20 08:00:00Z 0
COVID-19: Rotary helps Catherine Limbertie 2020-04-11 08:00:00Z 0

Challenging times bring e-solutions

Posted by Gayle Knepper on Mar 15, 2020
An open invitation to all Rotarians in unprecedented times and unusual circumstances:
The eClub invites your members to join us at our "live” regular meetings which will continue in the usual online format during this time. 
We ask that you share this information with your members for those who may wish to attend a Rotary meeting online.  The details of meeting times and log in information is below.
The eClub is a robust, fully-functioning club with active meetings, service projects and social events, similar to traditional clubs; however, conducted in an online ZOOM format. Meetings and events are lively, fun and highly-interactive.
We hope you or your members may wish to join us for Rotary fellowship and camaraderie during this challenging time.  Please contact me if you have questions or to let us know you’re coming
Challenging times bring e-solutions Gayle Knepper 2020-03-15 08:00:00Z 0
Three Yukon amigos Catherine Limbertie 2020-02-26 09:00:00Z 0

Join us on Saturday

story thumbnail
More Than Footsteps
Speaker:  Lorrie Hess
An inspirational story of 2190 miles on the AppalachianTrail
Saturday, August 24, 2019
8:00 am AKDT/9:00 am PDT
Social: 7:45 am AKDT/8:45 am PDT (bring your coffee!)
Only about 1 in 4 who start the challenge of trekking the Appalachian Trail makes it all the way.  From a goal 6 years in the making, Lorrie Hess completed her own 199-day journey of mastering the 2190 miles of the Appalachian Trail, the story she tells in More than Footsteps.
Join us on Saturday 2019-08-20 08:00:00Z 0

Joan Toone

We had a wonderful guest speaker at our meeting in December! Rotarian Joan Toone of British Columbia.  Joan is a recognized and in-demand speaker, bringing her inspirational message about Rotary's  work toward polio eradication to audiences around the world.  
Joan was born in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and contracted polio during the 1951 epidemic. Thirty years after acute polio, Joan began to experience cold intolerance, muscle weakness and extreme fatigue.  She was diagnosed with Post Polio Syndrome which is an after-effect of polio.  She then began the long journey of surgeries and rehabilitation.  When Rotary designated eradicating polio as its number 1 priority, she became an avid supporter, speaking to Rotarians from around the world  about polio and Post Polio Syndrome.  Joan’s husband, Terry, also works as a dedicated advocate for polio eradication, is currently Rotary District 5020’s chair for Polio Plus. They feel optimistic and privileged they will see the end of polio in this world in the very near future. Joan says that it is an outstanding feeling to know they have been a small part of that effort.

Joan deeply admires Rotary’s commitment to the children of the world, and emphasizes the necessity of vaccines when speaking with younger people who often get conflicting information about immunizations, using herself as a first-hand example of what they can prevent.

She  is Past President of the Rotary Anns, the Post Polio Society of British Columbia and of the Rotary Club of Victoria.  She is a Multiple Paul Harris Fellow and a Rotary Foundation Benefactor.  Joan has received a President’s Commendation and a District 5020 Award of Excellence.  She has twice been the recipient of The Rotary Foundation District Service Award, and has also been presented with the Governor General’s Caring Canadian Award and the Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers. Joan is a recognized and sought after speaker on polio and the progress towards eradication.

Information and booklets on Post-Polio Syndrome may be reached via email at


Joan Toone 2018-12-12 09:00:00Z 0


Visioning Results!
eClub members held an exciting visioning session and looked to the future of our club.  With the help of expert vision facilitators, Kim Ericksen and Cathie Straub, our meeting was packed with great ideas and conversation. What were the outcomes?  See action plan and results of the session here (use your website log in to download the visioning documents. Need help with the log in? Contact Gayle,
Visioning 2018-09-20 08:00:00Z 0

Timely items to consider:

How quickly the weeks of 2018 are moving by!  There are few time-sensitive items for the club to consider and respond to:


The Sue Foley Excellence in Service Award:  Expect more details on the origins and purpose of this award during the meeting on the 13th.  The recipient may be a Rotarian or not, but should exemplify excellence in service to his or her community.  We present this award during our meeting at the 5010 District Conference.  We need nominations ASAP!  Please let us know who your nominee is (and where), and what they do that you think should be considered.  Thank you!


The 5010 District Conference is seeking photographs of club members in action! Each club in the district will have a short photo/club summary presented.  As an extra motivator, photos contributed will be submitted to a professionally-judged photo contest as well.  More details will be forthcoming, but start thinking about what you might be able to show and tell.



Timely items to consider: BRS 2018-01-10 09:00:00Z 0

Upcoming eClub Meetings

story thumbnail
January 26
Shining Star Presentation
Speaker: Tom Nicolos
January 28
Happy Birthday Sharon
February 9
Speaker guest speaker: 
Lois Craig
Rotary Club of Whitehorse Rendezvous
"Peace & Conflict Resolution"
Board Meeting immediately following
February 23
Shining Star Presentations
Speakers: Wanda Cooksey and Julie Isom
February 28
Happy Birthday Catherine
Upcoming eClub Meetings 2017-10-10 08:00:00Z 0
The French Connection FUNdraiser 2017-10-08 08:00:00Z 0
eClub Regular Meeting June 3, 2017 2017-05-26 08:00:00Z 0

Visioning Sessions and January meetings

Posted on Dec 19, 2016
January will be an important month for members to be engaged in the meetings! In addition to looking at the Officer positions for 2017/2018, we'll have a guest speaker about eClub success, and will be finishing up the Visioning Sessions.
Visioning Sessions led by Gayle Knepper have been productive, engaging the membership in conversations about how we imagine the club could look in 2019.  Two more meetings in January will be devoted toward goal-setting, and to drafting actionable steps to start us in that direction.  Many thanks to all the club members and guests who have joined us so far! 
The meetings in January will be on the 14th, 21st and 28th.  Yes, there will be three! 
The 14th will feature guest speaker Hal Kibbie, presenting on a successful eClub in Northern California.
The 21st will be Gayle Knepper, continuing the Visioning Sessions
The 28th will be Wanda Cooksey closing out the Visioning. 
Hopefully, this is the correct Go-to-Meeting log-in information:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

You can also dial in using your phone.
United States +1 (312) 757-3129
Canada +1 (647) 497-9391

Access Code: 952-756-549

(We will again have on-screen information so log in via your computer/tablet if possible.)
Visioning Sessions and January meetings BShimek 2016-12-19 09:00:00Z 0

Big Clean - still picking!

Posted on Dec 19, 2016
The idea behind the Big Clean:
Trash and litter are everywhere - if it doesn't belong on the ground, we take a moment to pick it up when we can.  It means we are literally making the world just a little bit healthier to live in.

Data is still being collected!  Brian's neglectful apologies for not keeping the club updated, but many thanks to Sharon, Julie, George, and Stefan for their recent contributions in time and energy.  The latest map (our reach has grown!!!) is available to be viewed here: The green dots are the more recent additions.
President-Elect Sharon sent in a story about a woman who has been doing this on her own for some time - Rotarian in action, if not in name. Good job, Kay! What a wonderful role-model for the world to look at and see.  My own hope is that when something is left clean, it is less likely to be trashed.
Big Clean - still picking! BShimek 2016-12-19 09:00:00Z 0

Project Report Sept 7

Posted by Brian Shimek on Sep 07, 2016
Here's the latest total for the clean-up:
Non-duplicated locations:   20
States:   4
Countries:   1
Rotarian hours:   116
Non-Rotarian hours:   24.5
The current map is viewable here:
Your map will be accessible at

Project Report Sept 7 Brian Shimek 2016-09-07 08:00:00Z 0
Service Projects Report - Aug 24 Brian Shimek 2016-08-25 08:00:00Z 0

Where to find meeting information

Posted by Matthew Walsh
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If you are looking for meeting information to access our live on-line meetings you can find them in the the events calendar located on clubrunner.  These events also are located in the bulletin.  If you are a guest and would like to receive the bulletin contact the club secretary.  This information is also being posted on facebook at so be sure to LIKE us.
We look forward to seeing you at a future meeting!
Where to find meeting information Matthew Walsh 2016-07-06 08:00:00Z 0

Service Projects Report July 5th

Posted by Brian Shimek
Here's a periodic update from the Service Seat.
The 5010 Big Clean:  this is our effort to make many, many little efforts to clean up the world as we go through our lives of work, recreation and service.  After all, when we have healthy, Polio-Free, literate children, they should have a clean world to work with.  The next time you go out walking, visiting the parks, forests and praires, take a bag with you.  If it doesn't belong on the ground - pick it up and throw it away.  Kindly, let me know approximately when, where and how long you were actively looking.  Many thanks to Julie and Sharon for letting me know!  George, send me the details of your roadside clean-up again, if you would, please.  Also, our new president, Julie, found a connection for the club to be PAID for 4th July pick-up. Here's the progress so far: 
Non-duplicated locations:   8
States:   3
Countries:   1
Rotarian hours:   81.5
Non-Rotarian hours:   0.25
Julie has said that RYLA will be another focus for the year.  Many thanks to George and the club for fundraising at last year's auction to fund this year's projects.  RYLA is a fair bit away.  We'll get back to that.
We heard at the meeting about the Anchorage club's project to put books in Alaska airports.  It sounded like the Ketchikan area may be next area for growth.  Sharon talked about Little Free Libraries in her email summary - great work!  Little Free Libraries is another kind of project that we could do well - somewhat independent/parallel projects in many areas.  Costs are reasonable, I think, but as a consideration, the little libraries need a commitment to be maintained and stocked over time.  I'd suggest we look at this further if there is club interest.
Service Projects Report July 5th Brian Shimek 2016-07-05 08:00:00Z 0

Join Us as a Member or for a Makeup

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Meeting Dates: 2nd and 4th Saturdays
8:00 am Alaska time * Live Meeting Log In Below
Make Ups/Recorded Meetings
Welcome to District 5010 e-Club of Alaska and Yukon!  We are a dynamic group of Rotarians dedicated to being a positive impact and we hope you are too.  If you are a Rotarian who finds yourself needing a little more flexibility for making meetings or a Rotarian needing a makeup, this is the place for you.  Here are a few ways you can become involved with the e-Club of District 5010:
  • Become a member, contact one of our board members and review club news on ClubRunner
  • Do a makeup meeting or view past meeting recordings featuring the dynamic speakers at live meetings.  Send an email to the club secretary with comments about the meeting to receive a makeup for your club.
  • Request to be added to the mailing list for the newsletter and updates on club activities and meetings (send your message to the club secretary)
  • Friend us on Facebook at 
  • Visit a member.  Are you traveling?  Our members are located throughout the world.  The club is Alaska-Yukon based, with an international outlook. We would enjoy meeting you in person and exchanging banners, and especially welcome you to join one of our live meetings at any time.
E-Club of Rotary District 5010 Live Meetings. Join Us! 
Log In Details
Our live meetings are held the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month, 8:00 am Alaska time via ZOOM (see below for special holiday schedule). 
Log in from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Join via telephone
In Canada
Meeting ID
We look forward to "seeing" you at an upcoming meeting!
Missed a Meeting? Need a Make Up?
View recordings of live meetings featuring dynamic speakers and Rotary news.  If you need a make up, send an email to the club secretary with comments about the meeting and receive documentation for your club.
Join Us as a Member or for a Makeup 2016-05-17 08:00:00Z 0

2016 District 5010 Conference

Posted on May 15, 2016
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The 2016 district 5010 conference was held this year at the Talkeetna Lodge.  The District 5010 e-Club received two club awards this year at district conference as well as one individual award. We had the highest percentage of members attending the conference and we took second place in the Shelterbox challenge with our support. Julie had an individual award for her work with the e-club and in the community.  Be sure to visit the photo albums for more photos from the conference.

Great job to all the District 5010 e-Club members.  

2016 District 5010 Conference Matthew Walsh 2016-05-15 08:00:00Z 0

2016 e-Club Annual Meeting

Posted on May 13, 2016
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This year the e-Club had 7 out of 12 members attend the second annual meeting at the District 5010 Conference. The annual meeting was open and had a large attendence from Rotarians in other clubs and District 5010.  This years meeting had the passing of president from George to Julie (official July 1st) and a first Paul Harris award to Julie.  Two other members received a PH+ at the meeting.  Shows the dedication the District e-Club has and look forward to seeing how the club continues to grow.  More photos from the meeting can be found in the photo albums.
Thanks to all that attended and continue to support the club.
2016 e-Club Annual Meeting Matthew Walsh 2016-05-13 08:00:00Z 0

20160507 Lemonade Day

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Rotary Eclub member Julie Isom on May 7 set up registration for Lemonade Day in Ketchikan through the Chamber of Commerce. Lemonade Day is a national program designed to train children in setting up and running a lemonade stand with the idea that beginning at an early stage will help prepare them thinking about managing money and in becoming the futures entrepreneurs. For more information on this program you can go to
20160507 Lemonade Day 2016-05-09 08:00:00Z 0

2016 Iditarod Challenge

Posted by Nancy Dodge on Mar 18, 2016
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In June 2015 the Sockeye Fire destroyed more than 26 homes in the area around Willow, Alaska. Several of these properties, including the home of Dee Dee Jonrowe, were owned by mushers who run the Iditarod dog sled race. Thinking back to this event, Dr. Nancy Dodge (Ambassador to ShelterBoxUSA and Rotarian with the District 5010 eClub) came up with the idea for the ShelterBox Iditarod Challenge.


ShelterBox is an international humanitarian disaster relief charity that provides temporary shelter and lifesaving, non-perishable equipment to families immediately after a natural disaster and during a humanitarian crisis. ( ShelterBox is a Rotary International Project Partner.


For the past 9 months Dr. Dodge has been talking to Rotary Clubs, businesses, media, Rotary Youth Exchange students, church groups, the Nome JROTC and anyone else in ear-shot to organize this fundraiser and to get the ShelterBox tent to Nome for the end of the Iditarod Race.  Although it took over 120 hours of her volunteer time, it was well worth it. In true Rotarian fashion, she is demonstrating “Service above Self”. To date, $6500 has been raised with hopes that the goal of $10,000 can be met.


Although the original mushers under the leadership of Joe Redington Sr. set up the first Iditarod in 1973 with the idea of saving the Iditarod Trail, Dr. Dodge hopes that they also had the idea of promoting the 1925 “Great Race for Mercy”   which brought diphtheria serum to the sick in Nome. Just as the 20 mushers and 100 dogs brought help to those who suffered from a disaster, so do the volunteers with ShelterBox travel to the 4-corners of our Earth by any means to help those who have lost their homes to floods, cyclones, hurricanes, fires and other catastrophic events.


Six of the 39 District 5010 Rotary Clubs started the ShelterBox Iditarod Challenge; 4 made it into Nome. 


The winners will be announced at the annual District 5010 Rotary Conference in Talkeetna this May.




Pastor Harvey Fiskeaux, Covenant Church, Nome             ShelterBoxUSA staff

Nome Public Schools                                                            Hi-Res Graphics, Eagle River

KICY                                                                                        Rotary Clubs of: Anchorage Hillside, eClub,

KNOM                                                                                      Anchorage South, Nome, Russian Jack and

Adam Lust, Rotary Club of Nome                                         Seward

Jessica with ABC/Fox News, Anchorage                             Rosie Roppel, editor, Rotary District 5010

Emma Haidacher, RYE, Austria                                             Stan Hooley, CEO, Iditarod Committee

Residents Seaside Center, Nome                                         Dallas Seavey (2016 Iditarod champion) and

                                                                                                  daughter Annie

2016 Iditarod Challenge Nancy Dodge 2016-03-18 08:00:00Z 0

2016 111 Years of Rotary - Sharon in Mexico

Posted on Feb 24, 2016
Thanks to Sharon for extending our Rotary spirit as she attended the 111th Rotary International celebration with three clubs from Zacatecas and Guadalajara.  She also had the opportunity to be present at Mexican Flag day and reported of "What pride and respect is shown for the Flag, the country and the citizens of Mexico."  
2016 111 Years of Rotary - Sharon in Mexico 2016-02-24 09:00:00Z 0

Kids Count


We have started a crowd funding campaign to raise funds for our RYLA, Youth Exchange, Shelter Box, Computers for Kids and Food for Kids program. We set our goal for $16,000.

This crowd funding campaign will only work if each of us get involved. It is important to send out the link for the crowd funding to all of your contacts, share the link on Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and any other social media site that you are involved with.

Show your support! Let’s raise the funds that we need to have a successful year next year!

This link will take you to our campaign -

Be sure to like our campaign to receive updates!

Kids Count 2015-05-23 08:00:00Z 0

A Message from Our Youth Exchange Student

Posted by Everest P.
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I hope to gain many things from this foreign exchange trip. I want to gain experience. I want to learn more about other people. I want to become more responsible. I want to achieve a high level of friendship and self-confidence.

I wish to gain experience from the outside world.  Most of my life has been spent right where I am now, Wasilla, Alaska.  I want to see more. I feel like I need to expand my horizon.  I want a change of scenery.  I need to see the outside world to reach my full potential.  Gaining experience from another place will change my view of the world.

I want to expand my knowledge of other cultures.  Knowing more things about other cultures such as their habits, religions, and their styles of life will help take away my false stereotypical views I’ve been raised thinking.  Being immersed in a complete unknown and unfamiliar environment will be good for me.  I’ll learn to adjust to things that I’ve never been introduced to before.  Strengthening my insight on other types of environments is a goal I’d like to obtain from this.

I hope to gain responsibility and learn to become more self-reliant.  Being away from my parents and family for a year is destined to make me more independent.  It’ll prepare me for adulthood.  These experiences will teach me to rely on my own actions and face every one of my mistakes.  I want to learn to live for myself.  I want to have a better idea of what to expect in years to come.  Responsibility and self-reliance are characteristics I’d like to strengthen through this journey.

 Another important thing I wish to gain is friendship.  Living with host parents and possibly their children is something I’m really looking forward to, even with others my age in school.  I hope to have close bonds with all of them.  And as life goes on, I hope to continue having contact with them.  Friendship means a lot to me.  Friendship is one of the many things I hope to achieve from this exchange program.

I hope to learn. Learning in general is something I love to do. I’m a very curious person and want as many questions answered as possible. Filling my head with more knowledge of things will help me become the leader I want to be.

I’ll become more self-confident. I don’t have the best self-confidence. Being in front of many people I don’t know and having to give talks and presentations to them will surely change that. Self-confidence is something I struggle with. I wish to change it from a weakness to a strength.

There are a large amount of things I’d like to achieve from this program. This exchange will improve me. It’ll shape me into the man I’ve always wanted to be. Thank you for your time.


A Message from Our Youth Exchange Student Everest P. 2015-03-14 00:00:00Z 0