Here's a periodic update from the Service Seat.
The 5010 Big Clean:  this is our effort to make many, many little efforts to clean up the world as we go through our lives of work, recreation and service.  After all, when we have healthy, Polio-Free, literate children, they should have a clean world to work with.  The next time you go out walking, visiting the parks, forests and praires, take a bag with you.  If it doesn't belong on the ground - pick it up and throw it away.  Kindly, let me know approximately when, where and how long you were actively looking.  Many thanks to Julie and Sharon for letting me know!  George, send me the details of your roadside clean-up again, if you would, please.  Also, our new president, Julie, found a connection for the club to be PAID for 4th July pick-up. Here's the progress so far: 
Non-duplicated locations:   8
States:   3
Countries:   1
Rotarian hours:   81.5
Non-Rotarian hours:   0.25
Julie has said that RYLA will be another focus for the year.  Many thanks to George and the club for fundraising at last year's auction to fund this year's projects.  RYLA is a fair bit away.  We'll get back to that.
We heard at the meeting about the Anchorage club's project to put books in Alaska airports.  It sounded like the Ketchikan area may be next area for growth.  Sharon talked about Little Free Libraries in her email summary - great work!  Little Free Libraries is another kind of project that we could do well - somewhat independent/parallel projects in many areas.  Costs are reasonable, I think, but as a consideration, the little libraries need a commitment to be maintained and stocked over time.  I'd suggest we look at this further if there is club interest.